THCA hosts Commitment to Care Stakeholders meeting at the THCA office on January 31, 2017.
Commitment to Care (CtoC) seeks to make Texas a national leader in quality nursing home care.
CtoC is a collaborative effort between nursing home providers, community leaders, and stakeholders to improve workforce stability, promote best practices to improve clinical outcomes and survey performance, as well as, work with legislators to advocate for public policy that enhances the quality care needs of the frail and elderly.
(Some Committee Members Pictured L to R: Mr. John Berkely, Dorothy Crawford, Gloria Bean-Williams, Jennifer Carrillo, Susan Purcell, and Dr. Liam Fry).
LNHA Members to Participate in 2017 Quality Symposium Gallery Walk!
The AHCA/NCAL 2nd Annual Quality Summit will be presented in Orlando, Florida, March 6th-8th.
The Symposium will celebrate-“Where Excellence Has No Limits”. THCA member and Nexion Health affiliate, Millbrook Healthcare & Rehabilitation Center, has had a Quality Improvement concept poster chosen to be presented as part of the Symposium’s educational offerings. This facility has also been chosen to participate in the prestigious “Gallery Walk”, which is a special time for interested participants to view specific posters and learn more about the improvement journey.
This Quality Improvement concept is titled Telemedicine: Creating a Culture of “Care in Place” and will be co-presented by Administrator Chudy Uchegbu and Director of Nurses Jo Jordan. This initiative shares how to implement and incorporate Telemedicine to create culture change by enhancing stakeholder satisfaction while promoting a culture of “care in place”. Ultimately the initiative shows real promise to consistently mitigate return to acute (RTA), reducing unnecessary re-hospitalizations. Nexion Health is proud to represent Texas and demonstrate leadership in Quality Improvement at this year’s Quality Symposium.
THCA’s Newest Associate Business Members & Provider Members!
New Associate Business Members:
Centers Business Office Morrison Community Living
Reminder: Don’t forget to send in 2017 Membership Renewal to ensure there is not a lapse in receiving your membership benefits. If you need a duplicate copy of your dues statement, please contact Gina Muniz or Angela Torres at the THCA office.
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