Talking Points for the
Texas Coalition for Long Term Care Business


  • I [WORK FOR/OWN] a business based in [city], Texas that supports skilled nursing facilities by providing goods and services that make it possible for providers to deliver quality care to the frail elderly.

  • Roughly two-thirds of the seniors cared for by skilled nursing providers depend on Medicaid funding to pay for their care.

  • Currently, by the state’s own numbers, Texas’ Medicaid rate for nursing homes is  underfunded by $343 million.

  • Businesses that deliver services to nursing homes employ thousands of people in Texas, contribute to the tax base of the local and state economy and are part of the economic engine that propels this state forward.

  • Currently, there is no provision the state budget bill in either the House or the Senate that provides for an increase in Medicaid funding to nursing home care.

  • It is urgent that our elected officials understand the ramifications of letting another budget go by without providing Medicaid funds to cover the actual cost of providing care to low-income elderly.

  • Healthcare is one of the top sectors that keeps the Texas business community thriving and that isn’t just because of providers – it’s also due to businesses like mine.

  • However, like all product and services companies, the health of our business depends on the financial viability of our clients.

  • For decades, long term care providers in Texas have been challenged with stabilizing a workforce, upgrading older facilities and implementing state of the art equipment and technology with a Medicaid rate that hovers near the bottom of the 50 states.

  • The impact chronic underfunding for skilled nursing care has reverberations beyond the four walls of a nursing home.  It levels a blow at long term care businesses that serve as the backbone of Texas’ healthcare sector.


  • And ultimately, that means jobs. Rural companies and jobs are always hit the hardest and it is no different in the long term care community.  Nursing homes are often the largest employer in rural towns and the businesses that serve them provides jobs as well.


  • Please support Texas long term care businesses by making seniors a priority and fully funding the Medicaid rate.