Volume XXX, Number 9
 September 2015

United Health Care’s Electronic Payment System

THCA has received questions from our members on when the United Health Care’s (UHC) Electronic Payments and Statements (EPS) will begin processing payments. THCA received the following response from UHC:

“UHC’s Electronic Payments and Statements (EPS) were delayed due to minor defects. Audit requirements mandate that UHC complete two full clean test cycles prior to deployment. The new deployment date is set for September 19.

EPS enrollment is an online process that most nursing facilities have already completed. If a nursing facility requires assistance with EPS enrollment contact your Provider Advocate.”

President’s Report


 Legislative Update


 Commitment to Care

If you have any questions about the THCA C to C Initiative or would like to share your facilities successes please contact me at gbwilliams@txhca.org or call (512) 458-1257.


State News

  • United Health Care’s Electronic Payment System


National News


Announcements & Recognitions

THCA’s 65th Annual
Convention and Trade Show

THCA 65-01


Official Convention Sponsor


AHCA/NCAL 66th Annual
Convention & Expo
October 4-7, 2015
San Antonio, Texas

Our Great State of Texas is the host state for the AHCA/NCAL Annual Convention & Expo, October 4-7, 2015! Experience the National Conference right here in our home state!

Pre-Registration Rate available until September 9, 2015

Onsite Registration Rate available September 10, 2015 -October 7, 2015

Hotel Reservation Deadline – September 9, 2015

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Register now and take advantage of the Pre-Registration Rate Savings.





Official THCAPAC @ Convention Sponsor

?’s About THCAPAC…Here’s How To Contact Us
Ron Payne, THCAPAC Co-Chair
Mark McKenzie, THCAPAC Co-Chair
Gina Muniz, THCAPAC Liaison


Region News





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