THCA Notes

Volume XXXI, Number 11
November 2016

Update on the Texas Quality Incentive Payment Program (QIPP) for Nursing Facilities

QIPP is open to non-state government owned Nursing Facilities as well as private Nursing Facilities. To ensure that QIPP funds are focused on the Medicaid population, private Nursing Facilities must have Medicaid utilization as a percentage of total utilization at least equal to the mean for all private Medicaid Nursing Facilities in Texas plus one standard deviation.

If a Nursing Facility is interested in pursuing a Change of Ownership (CHOW) as a part of obtaining QIPP funds, CHOWs are due to the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) no later than March 2, 2017. The tentative implementation date for the QIPP is Sept. 1, 2017.

If you have any questions related to QIPP or the CHOW process, send your questions to