Volume XXXI, Number 4
April 2016


Stand Up For Long Term Care and Join THCAPAC Today!

Attention All THCA Member facility Owner/Operators, CEO’s, Corporate Staff, Administrators, Associate Business Members representatives:

Long term care is a special calling and your dedication and compassion are critical components of what makes long term care so special.

We must join together to educate and persuade Texas’ leaders that the people we care for in our facilities must be one of our state’s priorities.

JOIN THCAPAC TODAY with your personal reoccurring monthly or quarterly contributions, or by making a one-time contribution HERE.

Note: Contributions to THCAPAC are personal political contributions. THCAPAC does not accept Corporate Contributions.

NOTE: If you need your Personal User Name and Password to access the THCA Members Only sections of the THCA website, e-mail a request to Gina Muniz at gmuniz@txhca.org.

Please recognize the following individuals who have joined THCAPAC to date:

Derek Prince, HMG Healthcare
Mark McKenzie, Senior Care Centers
Ron Haney, Cascade Health Services
Brandon Tappan, Senior Care Centers
Jesse Brignac, River Hills Health and Rehabilitation Ctr/Southwest LTC
Mary Pfeifer, Advanced Healthcare Solutions
Becky LaRocca, Kountze Nursing Ctr/SAVA Senior Care

Cassandra Mistretta, Genesis Healthcare
John P. Taylor, StoneGate Senior Living
Betty Traylor, Pleasant Springs Healthcare Ctr/SAVA Senior Care
Oscar Flores, Retama Manor South Victoria/SAVA Senior Care

Don Sowell, Nexion Health

Melody Chatelle, Chatelle and Associates

THCAPAC $500 Club

Facility Fundraising: All member facilities are asked to participate in the “500 Club” by raising at least $500 per year. When sending in your facility fundraising contributions, please ensure it includes the name of your facility and the name of your facility administrator, is payable and mailed as follows: THCAPAC, P.O. Box 4554, Austin, TX 78765. For information on making your fundraising contribution by personal credit card, contact Gina Muniz gmuniz@txhca.org; (512) 458-1257.

Thank you to the staff at Duncanville Healthcare and Rehab Center and at Regency Healthcare at Red River, both of Nexion Health, for submitting your Facility Fundraising $500 Club dollars last month!


Mark your Calendar with THCA’s 2016 “Golf Fore PAC” Tournament Dates:

July 11th: Wolfdancer Golf Club – Hyatt Lost Pines/Bastrop, TX
(@ THCA’s 2016 Summer Meeting)

October 31st: The Quarry Golf Club/San Antonio, TX
(@ THCA’s Annual Convention & Trade Show)

More information will be forthcoming as we get closer to each event!

President’s Report

 Legislative Update

Commitment to Care


If you have any questions about the THCA Commitment to Care Initiative or would like to share your facilities successes please contact Gloria Bean-Williams by email or call (512) 458-1257.

State / THCA News

National / AHCA News

Announcements & Recognition


  • THCAPAC News – April 2016

?’s About THCAPAC…Contact Us

Ron Payne,

Mark McKenzie,

Gina Muniz,

Scot Kibbe,

Region News



Visit, Like and Follow THCA….

Are you familiar with THCA’s Website, Facebook Page & Twitter Account? We utilize these portals to provide information & tools for long term care providers / caregivers, family members, LTC advocates, and to share the wonderful events, celebrations, etc. that take place in Texas Nursing, Rehabilitation & Assisted Living facilities!

Visit our Website, “Like” our Facebook page and “Follow” us on Twitter! And please encourage your staff to as well!

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