Volume XXX, Number 3,
March 2015

THCA MEMBER ADDED VALUE:  Fact Sheet on STAR+PLUS Managed Medicaid for Physicians / Practitioners

THCA developed a Fact Sheet for our members to share with the physicians and practitioners who provide services in their buildings.  The Fact Sheet is located on THCA’s website behind the member wall, click here to view the web page.  Your personal THCA login is required to access the Fact Sheet and other information we have on the THCA website exclusively for our members.  This Fact Sheet was designed to help ensure continuity of care and provide information regarding the managed care organizations (MCOs) to other service providers who serve the residents in your facility.

You can download the fact sheet as a PDF (click here for .pdf version of the fact sheet) or as a Word document (click here for .doc version of the fact sheet). Using the Word document you may add your facility-specific information (such as the name of your facility, your logo, and the MCOs that provide care to your residents). Share this document with all service providers in your facility, including medical director, attending physicians, physician extenders, ancillary providers, durable medical equipment providers, labs, radiologists (x-rays), and pharmacists not employed by the nursing home. Links are included within the Fact Sheet that will help your service providers contact and communicate with the MCOs that serve your residents.

MCOs will seek to contract with these service providers to maintain existing relationships and to pay for services rendered.  When your service providers complete forms for each of the MCOs, they should indicate at the top of all forms that they provide services specifically to residents of nursing facilities. This will help get the completed form to the correct person for processing.

President’s Report

Legislative Update

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THCA Membership Contribution

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If you have suggestions for education sessions or questions about THCA education, please contact Sue Wilson at the THCA office swilson@txhca.org.
