Volume XXX, Number 3,
March 2015

Warren urges budget writers to remember Long Term Care

THCA President and CEO Kevin Warren testified last month that “high quality care requires a collective effort between providers and policy makers” as he spoke to the budget writing committees in both the House and Senate.

Warren spoke before the full Senate Finance Committee and the subcommittee of House Appropriations that works on the Health and Human Services budget (Article II). The Article II workgroup in the Senate will meet next week.

Texas’ rapidly growing senior demographic “requires a strong workforce and vibrant facilities,” Warren told the committee. Fully funding the base rate, which the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) estimates would take a 13.75% increase, is crucial to achieve this goal.

“It is needed in order to recruit new employees with the skill and compassion necessary to work in our facilities and keep from losing current employees to other sectors that can pay much more,” he said. “It is also needed to upgrade and modernize facilities that have been built decades ago.”

Warren and other THCA representatives have been meeting with key leaders on the budget, including the Chair of House Appropriations and the Chair of the Article II subcommittee.

A budget is expected to be passed in House Appropriations this month but key decisions are expected to be delayed until the conference committee on the budget meets later in the legislative session.


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If you have suggestions for education sessions or questions about THCA education, please contact Sue Wilson at the THCA office swilson@txhca.org.
