2018 Q3 Regional Survey Data Now Available to THCA Members

The THCA Joint Quality/Regulatory Committee requested deficiency data that can be filtered by surveyor name and region.

To access the data download simply go to the THCA website and hover over the Quality Care tab on the header, on the drop down click Regional Survey Information.  You will be directed to sign into your THCA Member account as this is “Members Only”.  You will then gain access to be able to click on the “Survey Work Ahead” sign you see below to download the information.

You can download this file and filter for data elements such as type of deficiency, tag number and Federal or State Tags.  The file is locked for editing to maintain data integrity and the facility names have been masked.  THCA will update the file quarterly as the data is received from the state.









If you have any questions regarding signing into your THCA Member account please contact Megan Reed at mreed@txhca.org.

For questions regarding this data, please contact Dorothy Crawford at dcrawford@txhca.org or Deseray Matteson at dmatteson@txhca.org or call 512-458-1257 for assistance.