Registration for the following sponsorships is available exclusively to current 2022 THCA Associate Business Members in good standing.
THCA Board of Directors Meeting Sponsorships – $2,500 (4 Offered)
The THCA Board of Directors Meeting Sponsorship provides the sponsoring company up to 20 minutes on the THCA Board of Directors meeting Agenda (15 min. presentation; 5 min. Q&A) where up to 2 company representatives will have an opportunity to introduce their company and provide information on the latest services and solutions it offers to increase quality and efficiency while reducing cost.
Opportunities in 2022 are limited to 4 dates:
January 26th, April 20th, June 14th*, December 7th
*Board Meeting at Summer Conference Sponsorship does not include Conference Sponsorship Registration
THCA Region Meeting Sponsorships – $1,500 (4 Offered)
THCA Region Chairs will resume quarterly meetings within their designated region throughout the year. The frequency, agenda and format for each meeting varies by region. This new quarterly sponsorship opportunity will provide up to 10 minutes of each THCA Region meeting agenda that is held during the quarter sponsored as well as inclusion on various region meeting marketing opportunities such as emails, website, social media and printed mailings. Our THCA Region Chairs invite all member & non-member nursing facility administrators throughout the region to attend the quarterly meetings, however attendance is open to other facility staff and THCA ABMs.
There are 4 total sponsorships:
1st Quarter 2022 Meetings – 2/10, 2/15, 2/23, 2/24, 3/9
2nd Quarter 2022 Meetings – 4/28, 5/12, 5/17, 5/17, 5/18
3rd Quarter 2022 Meetings – 6/22, 7/27, 7/28, 8/11, 8/17
4th Quarter 2022 Meetings – 10/19, 10/27, 11/9, 11/10, 11/14
Note: THCA Region Chair elections will be held throughout the year, therefore the schedule above is subject to change. As of 1/11/22, region chair positions are vacant for THCA Regions 1, 4, 9 & 10.
Click here for a map of THCA Regions.
THCA Summer Conference Sponsorships – $2,000 (25 Offered)
Conference sponsorship includes up to (2) company representatives in attendance for the entire conference. The intimate setting at Hyatt Lost Pines provides networking with attendees at THCA hosted evening receptions, hotel recreation areas & conference lunches and breaks. Attendees at Summer Conference include Owners, Operators, Administrators, and Nurses of LTC facilities in Texas.
Additional benefits of the Conference Sponsorship include:
• Monday evening: Summer Sponsors Welcome Reception
• Conference sessions: sit side-by-side with your clients/potential clients** ; All conference Meals & Breaks;
• Opportunity to place informational brochures and/or give-a-way item(s) at a Resource Informational Display to be set up in the registration/check-in area
• Sponsor (logo) recognition on the attendee Registration Website; Sponsor (logo) recognition on on-site Signage at Conference Venue; Sponsor (logo) recognition in the THCA Membership Newsletter;
• Recognition via THCA Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn)
• Access to THCA’s negotiated room block rate for overnight accommodations at Hyatt Lost Pines Resort (while rooms are available)
The THCA 72nd Annual Convention & Trade show will bring together long term care operators and industry experts to coordinate on the many challenges faced by nursing home and assisted living communities. Hundreds of THCA members will be convening in San Antonio, TX for 3 days of education, meetings and networking.
ABM Registration – $1,700
Registration includes convention badges for three (3) representatives of registering company to network with Provider Registrants (LTC Nursing and Assisted Living professionals) throughout the convention week. Note: One additional name badge per ABM registration will be available for purchase at a cost of $300.
Highlights of the registration benefits include:
• 8×10 Exhibit Space
• ABM Appreciation Reception hosted by THCA Leadership
• Attendance to Convention Education & Networking Events
• Access to pre-show (at 30 days, 14 days and 7 days prior to Convention) and post-show attendee list for lead generation
All THCA Associate Business Members are encouraged to support the convention by sponsoring specific events and/or awards designed to have your company name visible throughout the week!
Convention Sponsorships – $10,000+
Official Convention Sponsor – SOLD
Includes your company’s name on all pre-event and on-site promotions, including THCA Convention web page, email communications, signage, program, and social media. The sponsorship also offers an opportunity for the sponsor to make brief remarks and introduce our opening Keynote Speaker. This sponsorship includes a complimentary double booth and up to 10 Convention Badges.
Convention Diamond Sponsor – SOLD
Includes your company’s name on specific pre-event and on- site promotions, including THCA Convention web page, email announcement, signage, program, and social media. The sponsorship also offers an opportunity for the sponsor to make brief remarks and introduce our closing Keynote Speaker. This sponsorship includes a complimentary double booth and up to 10 Convention Badges.
Convention Platinum Sponsor – SOLD
Includes your company’s name on specific pre-event and on- site promotions, including THCA Convention web page, email announcement, signage at the Welcome Reception, program, and social media. This sponsorship includes a complimentary double booth, and up to 10 Convention Badges.
Convention Gold Sponsor – SOLD
Includes your company’s name on specific pre-event and on- site promotions, including THCA Convention web page, email announcement, signage at the House of Delegates Meeting, program, and social media. This sponsorship includes a complimentary double booth and up to 10 Convention Badges.
Meeting Sponsorships & Advertising – $1,500 to $5,000
Custom Hotel Key Cards – $5,000 Exclusive Offer SOLD
THCA will produce hotel key cards with your company’s specific artwork to be distributed to all conference attendees who are staying at the host hotel. Your brand will be visible at every open of the door!
Welcome Reception Sponsorship – $2,500 (2 Offered) SOLD
Sponsor the convention opening night reception to welcome all attendees of the convention. Sponsoring company representatives to serve as hosts to greet CEOs, Owners, Administrators, Assisted Living Managers, and other convention attendees as they arrive.
Convention Program Advertising – Full Page $1,500 / Half Page $800 SOLD
The Convention Program provides comprehensive information about the educational sessions, trade show exhibitors, social events and much more! Each convention attendee will receive this invaluable on-site resource, which they will refer to throughout the convention – and even after the convention.
House of Delegates Sponsorship – $1,500 (2 offered) SOLD
Sponsoring this meeting is an excellent opportunity to have your company name visible before the voting delegates of THCA. This is THCA’s Annual Business Meeting at which Owners, CEOs, Administrators, Assisted Living Managers, etc. are present (voting delegates for each THCA member facility), THCA Executive Board of Directors elections are held, incoming THCA Board of Directors are ratified and sworn-in.
THCA Chair Derek Prince and THCA President/CEO Kevin Warren present on the current status of long term care in Texas and of the association. The House of Delegates also hosts annual award presentations to Administrator of the Year, Ombudsman of the Year, Public Information & Education (PIE), and special recognition program for the THCA Certified Nurse Aides of the Year recipients.
Administrator Council & Assisted Living Council Lunch Meeting Sponsorship – $1,500 (2 Offered) SOLD
Sponsor this event for an opportunity to network with the professionals that manage the daily operations of nursing & assisted living facilities in Texas! This lunch provides THCA member Administrators & Assisted Living Managers an opportunity to conduct annual business, networking and peer support. A presentation with continuing education for these disciplines is generally provided.
Awards & Scholarships Sponsors – $500 to $1,500
Nurses’ Day Awards Luncheon Sponsorship – $1,500 (4 Offered) SOLD
Sponsoring this event highlights your company name as one that recognizes nurses as the backbone of long term care. Organized and hosted by the THCA Nurse Council Committee, this luncheon is an annual opportunity to appreciate all nurses in LTC.
Nurse Awards Sponsor – $500 (4 Offered) SOLD
Sponsorship of the nurse awards is an excellent opportunity for your company to show its appreciation for their dedication. At the Nurses Day Luncheon, THCA Nurse Council Committee presents the D.O.N. of the Year nominees & Regional Nurse of the Year recipients with awards to recognize their dedication to the successes of nursing in long term care.
Nurse Scholarships Sponsors – $500 SOLD
Sponsor one or more scholarships to identify your company as one that invests in the future of LTC nursing in Texas. Recognizing the need to retain staff that are personally driven to expand their knowledge in higher education, nursing students employed in THCA member facilities receive tuition assistance through the THCA Nursing Scholarships.
C.N.A. of the Year Sponsorships – $500 (10 Offered) SOLD
Sponsor the C.N.A. of the Year awards and partner with the THCA Region Chairs to ensure proper appreciation is given to these extremely hard-working individuals. Presented by THCA Region Chairs, the recognition of dedicated front-line care givers is the highest honor all long term care professionals will receive during the conference. Learning the story behind these ever so humble individuals reminds us why we chose long term care as our profession and provides us the opportunity to give back.
Our annual golf tournament is held at Wolfdancer Golf Club and Hyatt Lost Pines in Bastrop, and the night before the tournament we will have our new Party FORE PAC to include live music, hors d’oeuvres and cocktails.
Merchandise (Swag Bag) Sponsors
Available for any member organization that is interested in promoting their brand through giveaway items to be used primarily in conjunction with the summer golf tournament. You work with your preferred merchandise vendor and we will work with you on product quantity, selection and usage. There is no fixed sponsorship amount for co-branded merchandise, your organization will simply pay for the product/shipping to get it to the THCA office.
Co-branded opportunities: Beverage koozies, Swag bags, Golf balls, Water bottles
Golf Award Sponsor – $3,000 Exclusive Offer
A wise man once said, “There’s no room on my shelf for a 2nd place golf trophy”. This sponsorship replaces traditional trophies with a custom ordered golf shirt for each of the winners that includes your logo.
Additional benefits of the Golf Tournament Award Sponsorship include:
• (2) Complimentary Party FORE PAC Tickets
• (2) Complimentary Golfers
• Logo Recognition on Golf Shirts for Winning Teams
• Recognition on one tee box or green
• Recognition on select event signage and materials such as event banners and emails promoting the THCAPAC Summer Golf Tournament
Golf Skill Sponsorships – $1,500+Prize (3 Offered)
Select from traditional or contemporary golf contests and have your representatives setup to engage with golfers while facilitating the contest to raise funds for the PAC. Encourage participation by getting creative with your prize offering, such as a cash prize offering, winning a car, or a Rolex (all available via insurance prize vendors).
Additional benefits of the Golf Tournament Award Sponsorship include:
• (1) Complimentary Golf Team of 4 Players
• Logo Recognition on Golf Shirts for Winning Teams
• Recognition on one tee box or green
• Recognition on select event signage and materials such as event banners and emails promoting the THCAPAC Summer Golf Tournament
Golf Hole Sponsorships – $500 (18 Offered)
Recognition on one tee box or green, Recognition on select event signage and materials such as event banners and emails promoting the THCAPAC Summer Golf Tournament.
Official THCAPAC Sponsor – SOLD
Includes recognition as the Official 2022 THCAPAC Sponsor on all THCAPAC signage and event materials throughout the year such as event banners, event programs, and emails about PAC and promoting the PAC events. Recognition on event websites and posted on THCA social media accounts.
Additional benefits of the Official THCAPAC Sponsorship include:
• THCAPAC Summer Golf Tournament & Party FORE PAC – party tickets, golfers, on-course activities, and more
• THCA Annual Convention & Tradeshow – single booth ABM registration
• THCAPAC Party at the THCA Convention & Tradeshow – party tickets and opportunity to speak at THCAPAC Party to welcome and thank party goers for their support of the THCAPAC
THCAPAC Party at the THCA Convention & Tradeshow
Held in conjunction with the annual THCA Convention & Tradeshow, we are planning a party with the PAC to include a live band, drinks & appetizers. Each sponsorship level will include VIP status, complimentary event tickets, and recognition on select event signage & materials. Sponsorship opportunities for your organization to support the THCAPAC Party will be forthcoming!
Questions? Contact our office at (512) 458-1257 or email us at